For publication in the scientific online edition “Economy, governance and law basis” articles are accepted that meet scientific requirements, the general direction of the online edition and are of interest to a fairly wide range of Russian and foreign scientific community.

The material proposed in the article must be original, not previously published in other printed and electronic publications, written in the context of modern scientific literature, and also contain an obvious element of creating new knowledge.

All submitted articles are checked in the “Antiplagiarism” program and sent for independent (internal) review. The decision to publish is made by the editorial board on the basis of a review.

The author(-s) , independently submitting a scientific article, undertakes the following obligations: they transfer to the editors of the online edition “Economy, governance and law basis” non-exclusive rights to use the scientific article by reproducing it, using the scientific article in its entirety or in fragments in combination with any text, photographs or drawings, including by posting full-text online versions of issues on the online edition’s website.

The author(-s) bear(-s) responsibility for the unlawful use of objects of intellectual property, objects of copyright or “know-how” in a scientific article in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author(-s) confirm(-s) that the submitted article is being published for the first time and has not been sent to another publication.

The author(-s) agrees to the processing in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ of their personal data, namely: last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, position, place(-s) of work and/or study, contact information at the place of work and/or study, in order to publish the submitted article in the online edition.

The author(-s) confirm(-s) that the submitted scientific article does not contain data or information with restricted access and its publication does not require permission from the Ministry of Education and Science or other ministries and departments.

The author(-s) of the scientific article is aware of and agrees with the following conditions:

  • copyright for a scientific article belongs to the author(-s) of this article;
  • copyright for the issue of the online edition (as a whole) belongs to the founder of the online edition;
  • the editorial board of the online edition has the right to provide materials of scientific articles to Russian and foreign organizations that provide scientific citation indices;
  • the editorial board of the online edition has the right to make the necessary clarifications and abbreviations;
  • remuneration (fee) for published articles is not paid, the materials of scientific articles sent to the editors are not returned to the authors.

At the same time, the authors have the right to use all materials in their subsequent publications, provided that a link to the publication in our online edition is made.

If, when layout in InDesign or uploaded to the RSCI (they see everything), you will find in the article a replacement of the same type of letters from different alphabets, words are inserted in the form of formulas, or incorrect characters are used in words in order to increase the originality of the text (unfortunately, Word and Antiplagiat of this do not see) – the article will be deleted, and all information will be transferred to your organization.

We ask the authors to adhere to generally accepted requirements (only in russian) to scientific articles.


Structural parameters:

The article must have elements that meet the following parameters:

1. Metadata of the article in Russian and English (scientific specialty, UDC, DOI, title of the article, copyright sign, all scientific identifiers of the author, full name of the author, position, organization, address of the organization, personal e-mail, abstract and keywords) – are not checked for anti-plagiarism.

2. Article body:
Statement of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific and practical problems (briefly describes the research problem and the significance of its solution).
Analysis of recent studies and publications that dealt with aspects of this problem and on which the author bases himself; highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem (general trends are indicated in what has already been published, indicated on a separate problem or on the prospect of development on this topic).
The relevance of the study is substantiated (the relevance of the study is confirmed, the practical significance of the article and its contribution to science are indicated).
Formation of the goals of the article (indicate the purpose of the article).
(a) a description of the methods that you applied specifically for the article, if a theoretical article, then choose one method and describe its methodology, theory, history, specifically what principles of this method were applied to this study;
(b) description of the stages of the experiment;
(c) description of the participants in the experiment (age, gender, universities and which sites were covered).
Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results.
(a) the novelty of the article is disclosed, the author’s observations and results are described;
(b) the presented results correspond to the stated goals and objectives of the article;
(c) the idea, concept, methodology that has been applied (specifics) is described;
(d) the results are presented in the form of tables and figures – the names of the tables and figures correspond to the content of the tables and figures).
Comparison of the obtained results with the results in other studies.
(a) compared different methods, compared the results of the study with similar ones in other articles;
(b) wrote about differences or similarities (or both differences and similarities);
(c) analyzed and explained the results;
made a generalization and evaluation of the results, made an assessment of the reliability of the results;
e) determined the place of the results obtained during the study in the structure of known knowledge.
Research findings (the article is summed up, the results obtained as a result of the study are indicated).
Prospects for further research in this direction (indicates areas in which further research is needed).

3. References (not checked for plagiarism).
(recommended in the list of references is at least 15 sources, 5 of which are from the last 5 years (in 2022, these are articles from 2018-2022)).
Technical specifications:

  • File names: Lastname City (ex.: Ivanenko Samara);
  • Total volume: 5-9 pages of printed text in A-4 format (up to the bibliography);
  • Standards: Times New Roman font, point size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, paragraph indentation – 1 cm (this is done so that the author knows exactly how many pages of text he will have in the online edition), all margins – 2 cm, literature – IN THE ORDER OF APPEARANCE IN THE TEXT (preferably at least 15 titles, of which 5 (recommended) are for the last 1-5 years);
  • Editor, file type: Word 97-2003 document (mandatory);
  • Key words (at least 8 words) and abstract (at least 150-200 words) in Russian and English;
  • Non-breaking spaces between numbers, initials and last name;
  • Do not confuse dash (—) and hyphen (-).
  • Formulas must be typed in a Microsoft Word 2010 format file (using the “Insert -> Formula” options), and then saved in Word 97-2003, in which case the formulas become like pictures), the symbol size is 10 (required), the length of the formulas should not exceed 80 mm (mandatory), Latin characters are typed in italics, Greek characters are typed in roman type, CYRILLIC IS NOT ALLOWED);
  • Drawings made by vector graphics should be placed as one object or grouped. Scanned drawings should be executed with a separate option of at least 300 dpi.

Reference Information:

1. To determine the UDC, you can use the following links:

2. To check the article for anti-plagiarism (checking is mandatory in the Anti-plagiarism university system – all others give incorrect indicators) link (the originality of the text of the article must be at least 75%, the text of the article must contain at least 8000 and no more than 40000 characters without spaces):
A) (the results are kept by the author and sent at the request of the editorial board) Articles must be placed in the RSCI system – the Russian Science Citation Index (elibrary, link:, NEB CyberLeninka (link: and on the online editon’s website.

Placement of articles in the online edition is paid.

Payment is made after you receive a message about the acceptance of the article for publication, after which the author sends a screenshot or photo of payment through Sberbank-online or through other online banks to the address of the online edition:
Send the article to:


The selection of articles for publication in the online edition is carried out as follows:
1. The submitted manuscript goes through the process of primary evaluation in terms of compliance with formal and quality requirements: the subject of the online edition, the rules for formatting articles, originality, clarity and consistency of presentation in competent Russian (English), etc. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the article is not accepted for consideration, about which the Editorial Board notifies the author (authors), indicating the reason for the refusal, within 10 days from the date the manuscript was received by the Editorial Board.
2. If the article is accepted for consideration, it is assigned to one of the responsible employees of the online edition, who conducts all further negotiations with the author (authors), sends the manuscript for review to experts – recognized experts on the subject of the material being reviewed, who have publications in this field in the last 3 years. x years. In disputable cases, an article may be sent to more than one expert, which may include members of the editorial board and the editorial board, as well as external experts.
3. Reviewing is carried out according to the principle of “one-sided blind reviewing”. The article review process lasts from 3 to 20 days.
4. The review must contain:

  • assessment of the essence of the work and the possibility of its publication in the online edition;
  • a specific enumeration of errors in the methodology and tools (if any);
  • proposals for the revision of the text.
5. Based on the results of the review, the article can be accepted for publication (5.1), sent to the author (authors) for revision (5.2) or rejected (5.3).
5.1. Upon receipt of a positive opinion from the reviewer, the article is placed in the “portfolio” of the online edition for final editorial preparation for publication (see p. 6).
5.2. After revision, the article is re-sent to the reviewer, who assesses how adequately their comments were taken into account and / or how well the author (authors) refused to reject certain corrections.
5.3. Upon receipt of a negative opinion of the reviewer, the article is considered at a meeting of the working group of the editorial board (of 3 people, headed by the editor-in-chief or his deputy, the meeting can be held online), which decides whether to reject the article or whether it is necessary to obtain an additional review from an independent expert. In case of rejection of the article, the author (authors) is sent a notification letter signed by the editor-in-chief or his deputy.
5.4. Reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years. The editorial board of a peer-reviewed scientific publication sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office of a peer-reviewed scientific publication.
6. Preparation of an article and other materials for publication, carried out by the Editorial Board of the online edition, consists in monitoring the consideration of comments from reviewers, literary editing and bringing the text to the editorial standards adopted in the online edition.
7. The final decision on the date of publication of an article (other material) is made in the working order in the process of forming the structure and content of regular issues and is approved by the editor-in-chief or his deputy.